If you're not sure if something is a violation or not, it is better to just report it. The support team will review the report before any action is taken. Reports are private.
Option 1
Click on the flag symbol (located below the "Message" button below their profile).
Select the reason from the dropdown menu.
Fill out the form with further details. This information remains private and cannot be seen by the other person.
Click "Submit".
Note: If you need to send a photo or screenshot, please also send us an email. See the steps below:
Option 2
Send an email to safety@couchers.org. If you send an email, be sure to include the following information:
Your username.
The username of the person you are reporting (or a link to their profile).
Provide as many details about what happened as possible.
- You can include photos or screenshots of conversations with the person if they happened off-platform (eg. on WhatsApp, Instagram, Telegram, Signal, etc).