Home Basics of Couch Surfing How can I reply to a request?

How can I reply to a request?

Last updated on Sep 12, 2024
  1. Click "Messages".

  2. Click "Hosting"

  3. Click the request you want to respond to.

  4. Type your response to the request.

    • Be sure to ask any for any information that is missing from their request message that you would like to know (eg: When they will arrive and when they will leave, why they are coming, and who is coming with them) and let them know what your schedule looks like.
  5. Decide how you would like to respond:

    • If you prefer not to answer "Accept", "Maybe", or "Decline", then just click "Send". Please note that this will only send your message, but it will not provide any of the "Accept", "Maybe", or "Decline" responses.

    • If you know how you would like to respond, click the button "Accept", "Maybe" or "Decline". When you click one of those buttons, your message will be sent.

    • If you decline the request, you will not be able to message the person unless you visit their profile and send a message from there.

Remember: If you decline, you do not have to justify yourself or explain yourself. It is of course nice to do this, but it is not obligatory.